Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Clever Title

Just watched Dirty Hands: The Life and Times of David Choe. Trying to conceptualise chaos always comes off retarded. Fuck you heres my art, I'll paint the eyes when I can be bothered.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Still Kicking

New Self portrait using new techniques to go with my new haircut.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tea Party

Heres a label for a assignment for TAFE. Its going to be a label for a tin of tea. Trying to think of a name better than 'FREEDOM' tea or 'AMERICA FUCK YEAH' tea.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dohoho. You dirty little smuggler.

New paintings coming fresh from the motherfucking Sarlacc Pit.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Been awhile since i've done a self portrait, but this is the brilliance of maintaining this blog. You can actually my progress. What beautiful 70's hair im rocking at the moment. It's quite funny that I spent a year at art school rebelling against being told to drawn and paint more, but all it took was someone telling me to draw 12 flowers in block colors each one exactly the same to actually inspire me to strike out and draw more shit. Probably some Orwellian statement to make in there but I'm not smart.

Considering becoming a Graff Arist and going All City. Henry Chalfant and Martha Cooper will do a book about me.

Oh hey, and I'll see you at this event with the dope poster:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Royalty vs Sadism

Along with the Metal As Fuck layout change I have a renewed sense of vigor in getting drawings done. So heres my first attempt at doing proper updates to my blog as opposed to sporadic half-worked drawings. So heres what i'm working on this week.
Heres a sketch for a painting I'm thinking about doing, shes my ultimate female goddess, what started as a drawing of the Whore of Babylon quickly merged with Hecate. The ultimate super slut of my own personal pantheon.
Have been reading alot lately along with drawing, currently reading this and this after finishing that so my drawings lately have an occult/antiestablishment/sexfiend vibe.
Onto some school work. This is my concept sketch for the wedding invitation to Prince William and Kate Middletons wedding. Theres a dick worked into the scrollwork that i'm going to see if I can pass off in the final assessment.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Queen of the witches

Enough to do with the bad friday poster, heres a sketch for a wine label im working on for school. I think im going to have to play with that really awkward leg abit more. The wine is themed around Hecate, thus the really subtle pentagram behind her. Fukken Metal.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Bad Friday inks

Just some color and were done!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Even Friday-er.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Space Cadet

The Mystery Machine

Heres the final poster for the The Future Prehistorics upcoming gig at World Bar, which actually ended up being a learning experience, the more I try to clean something up the less I like it, the lines where fucked and shitty on the earlier drafts but it looked good from a distance and it had a charm to it, here it is with crisp clean lines i took my time with and it looks boring.

And I should also avoid last minute additions to the composition of an image, because Harry looks like a massive afterthought, even his badly rendered expression makes him seem like he's ran into the picture going "Hey guys whats going on over here?"

But hey, atleast the band is awesome. Everyone should come down on the 21st and see them tear shit up.